www.ridgesolutionsgroup.com info@ridgesolutionsgroup.com

Ridge Solutions

A multi-faced global business
conglomerate from Angola...

Chairman's Profile

To develop a cooperation platform based in the Humanization, requires thorough knowledge of all aspects of the target areas, with a different mindset that is focused on giving a comprehensive 360-degree view based on the best of both worlds.


  • is the Chairman and Executive President of the Ridge Solutions Group
  • is the Board Member of The International Fund for Cooperations of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea (BSCSIF)
  • is the Economy Advisor of the President of the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
  • is appointed as the Ambassador of the Arab Business Club to the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
  • is the winner of “the Majestic Five Continents Award For Quality and Excellence” (OMAC granted 2013)
  • is the winner of 2013 the “Best Enterprise” granted by Europe Business Assembly
  • is the Partnerships with the Ruler of Al Ain in UAE, where he also maintains a leadership position in the Businessmen Association,
  • is close friend to the President of some Africa countries, and the family of the Ex- Prime Minister of China.
  • became the main sponsor of the Paralympic Games athletes representing Angola (José Ramos is vice president of the Committee)
  • was a leader of the first African Group to sponsor an F1 team. (AT&T Williams)