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Ridge Solutions

A multi-faced global business
conglomerate from Angola...

Emirates Ridge Solutions Contracting LLC

Emirates Ridge Solutions Contracting LLC, is a limited liability company registered with the Tribunal of the Ministry of Commerce in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It was established to provide project management and engineering service on large-scale punlic works and infrastructure projects in the GCC region.

Storage Facilities ProjectSaadyat Island-HousesContract 301-Shah Habshan Railway ProjectContract 305-Shah Habshan Railway Project
Invitation to Engineering Consultancy offices1000 Gas Stations - Saudi ArabiaLegal document with powers to manage Bank CountsRailway OMAN-MUSCAT-ALAIN
Oil ConcessionRiyad - Airport ExtensionContact Metalic Companies DST and MartiferGovernement Services Pre-Qualification
Saadyat Island-HousesLandscaping & Irrigation WorksExpressions of Interest in six projects - QatarGIS data exchange project
Gas Station NetworkGIS data AirportStorage Facilities Project 2West Region development
General Engineering Consultancy for Local Roads and DrainageITS Consultancy and Supervision ServicesProgram Management of Building ProjectsGovernement Services Pre-Qualification
Program Management of Local Roads and DrainageRoad Safety Consultancy and Supervision ServicesIrrigation and LandscapingGovernement Services Pre-Qualification
Railway ServicesExternal/internal roadsContact Metalic Companies DST and MartiferStorm water & drainage network
Bridges, tunnels & crossingsElectrical cabling & substationsBuilding constructionRock protection of shoreline
Street lightingParks & landscapingIrrigation Water NetworkExternal/internal roads